On going project


Main road development:


In order to enhance the natural beauty of Rajnagar, we have decided to construct the main road which now connects 2 villages and local market of Bashgari. Tree plantation beside roadside is also within our plan which would be the source of revenue and enhance natural beauty. Moreover, pedestrians will feel comfort while passing through the tree shades to avoid sun burn. Revenue earned by selling the fruits will be utilized for proper maintaining of the road and other benevolent work.


Vocational Institute:




In this modern era of information technology it is Vital to achieve technical education beside academic education. We need to set up a vocational institute in the village. In the projected institute we will provide training modules of cottage industry. Hands-on Training in different subjects will be organized so that, after training, they can work in relevant field independently. However, support from Local Management Committee will always be there. This will create employment opportunity for both men and women.


Promote recreational activities:


Games and sports are a must whenever it comes to develop a healthy body and mind. In order to play games and sports a field is required. Presently, our village lack that facility, the Local Management Committee for development is seriously working to provide this facility.



 Library Facility:   


Books are a prime source of knowledge. Educated people mean developed country. To build an enlightened nation libraries play vital role. Knowledge is Power. Unfortunately, our village lacks this facility, people there are not affluent enough to buy and read books as they want.


Secondly, selection of books is very necessary. Books should be selected to provide them proper knowledge to utilize in their real life. Also they should know about their history, culture and what is going on in the other parts of the world.


Hence, to set–up a Library in our village is crying need of the time.




There are many non-resident Rajnagar villagers who can provide jobs for locals in their own working places all over Bangladesh. Lack of information about job seekers and communication gap do not make it possible. A proper database will be in this portal for job seekers and job providers so that once can get information instantly from here.


Apart from it, the Local Management Committee will also try to create employment opportunity in village levels through their other initiatives.


 Building a cemetery:


Because of lack of maintenance as renovation the village cemetery is in a poor state. We have taken steps to renovate the cemetery and it is already done.


Create Zakat fund:


The upper section of the society has a responsibility for the deprived. However if donation are given in a decentralized way this makes no significant difference .So in order to achieve effectiveness of such donations Local Management Committee will create a united Jakat fund to help the poor to make them self sufficient and creating job opportunities.





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