One Home One Farm Theme

Project Title:


One House One Farm

(Ektee Bari Ektee Khamar)


Sponsoring Ministry/Division:


Rural Development and Cooperative Division, Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development & Cooperatives


Executing Agency:


Rural Development and Cooperative Division, Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development and Cooperatives with District Administration in particular Deputy Commissioner and his officials. Bangladesh Rural Development Board (BRDB) as the main support agency along with other departments like Co-operatives, Bangladesh Academy for Rural Development (BARD),Comilla, PDBF, SFDF and Rural Development Academy (RDA), Bogra.



Project Implementation Period:

Original: July 2009-June 2014

Revised: July 2009-June 2013



Cost of the project (Taka in Crore):


Revised: 1492.92



Project Implementation Period:

Original: July 2009-June 2014

Revised: July 2009-June 2013



Cost of the project (Taka in Crore):


Revised: 1492.92



Location of the project(Revised DPP













Cumulative Progress up to June,2011


Target Plan









Selection of Union




Case in High Court

(3 Upazila)

Selection of Beneficiaries




Village Organization




Saving (Taka in Crore)




Asset Transfer

Milk Cow




GI Sheet Tin (Bundle)




Poultry Birds (Family)




Seeds of vegetable (Family)




Tree Plantation (Family)






Expenditure of the Project

Financial Year


Expenditure (Taka in Lakh)

(Taka in Lakh)



























Project Background


Nearly Eighty percent people of Bangladesh live in the villages. Land and rural people are the key elements of rural economy. The overall development of this country depends virtually on the development of its rural areas. All elements of the driving force of the economy prevail in the villages. Every house in the village has unutilized land, home yard, pond/ditch, canal, etc. It also has unskilled manpower, unemployed youths and women. Alongside these resources different Nation Building Departments (NBDs) have their cadres to offer extension services to the villagers. This means that we have all elements and resources like land, labour, capital and others in our villages which, if explored rightly and utilized optimally can contribute to community development in particular and national development in general.   

In such situation, if every homestead is developed into a farm through identifying untapped resources around it, organizing people through village organizations, utilizing the resources by imparting training, creating the zeal for work and initiative in every man and woman, developing human resource and optimal utilization of resources, it is possible to achieve the cherished goal of over-all socio economic development of the rural people. The vision for changing every homestead in the village into a farm, of the honorable Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has to be translated into reality through best utilization of local resources, knowledge and experiences of all local government representatives and officials of all levels and their direct participation in the local level programme management.

We have different resources at the local level. The proposed project will assist to identify and utilize these resources properly. Against this backdrop, the project has been formulated. Honorable Prime Minister has offered the concept of One House One Farm in order to take appropriate measures in the light of the constitutional obligations as mentioned in Articles 7, 9, 10, 14, 15 and 16 of the constitution.

Farmers have been growing different types of vegetables in the homestead, crops in the field, fish in the pond and they have also been rearing poultry, duck and livestock. Whatever they produce is not sufficient to meet the local demands. In fact they produce half of the potential yield in crop and also in other areas of production. This implies that there is more scope to increase production of crop, fish, poultry, duck and livestock. There is also a crucial need to increase the number of fruits and timber trees. For implementing these activities, every village, especially every homestead offers more or less opportunities. Every house in every village can find ample livelihood opportunities crops by utilizing the ponds/ditches and own land. The requirement of protein can be fulfilled by producing fish, duck, poultry and livestock. Every village can have the canopy of fruit and wild trees, and can be illuminated by using bio-gas and solar energy. This will make the village brisk with activity and the villagers’ need will be fulfilled. People will not like to migrate or go to towns/cities for searching jobs.

The vicious circle of poverty prevails in every village of the country. In order to break this vicious circle and improve the quality of life, people need to accumulate saving. Later it is possible to improve the standard of living of rural people through productive and social investment and prolonged consumption of the savings.

In case of converting savings into investment, emphasis will be laid on gathering and transferring technologies relating to agriculture and agro-based industries. New technologies of production will be procured and later transferred those to the beneficiaries in order to raise production to the optimum level.

Women’s contributions to development are not properly taken cognizance though they constitute half of the country’s population. On the other hand, labour force is not properly utilized. According to available statistics 22% households of villages are headed by women. Under this project, measures will be taken to use women labour force effectively. Women headed households will be supported to increase their involvement in IGAs with a view to raising their income level.

But only increase in production is not enough for economic development. Ensuring proper price of produced goods through developing a sustainable marketing linkage is also essential. Otherwise people will not be encouraged to raise production. Development of marketing facilities including cooperative based marketing system will be strengthened or introduced at different levels and the surplus food could be exported with the support of food processing industries. Employment will be generated through establishment of labour intensive industries, and people’s purchasing capacity will be raised through increasing production and ensuring proper price.

Goal of the project


The intrinsic goal of the project is to reduce national poverty to 20% from 40% by 2015 through developing each of the houses as a unit of agro economic activities by utilizing human and financial resources of the family members. To achieve the goal the project takes the following specific objectives with precise target and time frame to-

1. Bring all (85,000) villages of the country under Village Development Organization (VDO) comprising 60 members for each by 2013.

2. Develop each house hold (510,000) of Bangladesh as an ideal agro farm by 2013.

3. Train up 425,000 workers (5 from each village) on Agriculture, Home gardening, Fish culture, Poultry and Livestock by 2012.

4. Establish 5 (five) exhibition farms in each village by 2012.

5. Establish agro farms in rest of the possible households of each village following the exhibition farms by 2013.

6. Develop mutual fund for each member/beneficiary through giving incentive TK 200 per month (TK 2,400 per year) as grant by June, 2013.

7. Develop common fund for each village organization through yearly incentives Tk. 150,000 by June, 2013.

8. Develop Tk 900,000 cumulative common fund for the villagers under the title of village development organization by June, 2013.

9. Develop marketing canters at sub-district level ensuing market facilities for the farmer by 2015.

10. Develop food processing and cold storage facilities at sub-district level for the producers/farmers by 2015.



Bangladesh is one of the least developed countries in the world in terms of per capita income and literacy rate. Bangladesh accounts for a significant portion of the world’s poor with nearly 40% people living below the poverty line. Hence the eradication of poverty occupies the foremost place in Bangladesh’s development programmes. Review of documents and experience over the last three decades both explicit and implicit shows that different strategies and actions were taken in the past to combat poverty in the country. Despite all these efforts and implementation of various programmes, poverty still continues to be pervasive and overwhelming. However, there is sufficient evidences to believe that the existing poverty cycle can be broken if the poor are allowed to have access to resources and justice. Keeping these facts in mind the proposed project has been undertaken to enhance the status of the rural poor.

The project will cover 9640 villages in 1928 unions under 482 Upazilas of the country. The project will enable the rural poor and the community people to find for their self-employment opportunities with the physical and financial supports to be offered by the project. Besides, the village organizations to be organized under the project would be the driving force to mobilize the poor including the women. In this way the disadvantaged and excluded groups of people including the women would be integrated with the process of empowerment. Thus, the project will help to increase production of all types and alleviate rural poverty.


Project Targets:


The project will be implemented in 17388 villages of 1928 Unions under 482 Upazilas of the country. The total households to be covered under this project will be 10,43,280 and that will provide benefits to 5216400 members of the households/community.

Target Beneficiaries:


In the project areas, the heads of the following categories of households will be considered as target population to be determined based on the following criteria:

1. Poor women-headed households in the village;

2. Households having only homestead;

3. Landless people those who own land up to 0.50 acre of land including homestead and who earn their livelihood by selling manual labour and have no regular sources of income.

4. Small and marginal farmers having up to 2.50 acres of land including homestead.

The above sequence will be given priority in selecting beneficiaries. In case of backward/char areas, households having land up to 4.00 acres can also be included as project beneficiaries. However, with a view to improving the socio-economic conditions of the poor, the landless and marginal farmers, different activities covering all aspects of their lives will be preferentially initiated under the project.






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